One Hour

14 Nov

The last several months have been a whirlwind in the Dreyfus family.  Besides adding a new one, our normal busy life has continued.  My Mom sent us a text the other day talking about how there is a no way she could keep up with our normal schedule.

Fortunately for us, we’ve found ourselves enjoying a weekend in which we had nothing scheduled.  And IT.WAS.AWESOME!

Naps, playing ball in the yard, a big breakfast with the kids after my Sat AM run…  just a few fun things we were able to do.

But one hour of the weekend stands above the rest.  As they were happening, Anna said, “This is a blog post isn’t it?”  My response, “This whole hour is a blog post!”

On Sunday afternoon, Riley fell asleep on the couch.  Unfortunately for her (and us) Owen started making some loud noises and woke her up.

When someone wakes up Riley, or Walker, or Owen (and Anna would want everyone to know that I do this too), their body starts shaking in convulsions not unlike when a football player gets a concussion in football.  Check the receiver’s arms in this video.  That’s what they look like.  And for the record, you better steer clear of them for about 30 minutes as well.  (Again, Anna would say steer clear of me too.  I have no idea what she is talking about.)

Not long after that, Anna came into the living room, fresh off a session of surfing the internet.  Translated… PINTEREST TIME!!!

The kids were snacking on Pop Tarts, which led to a discussion about how a friend of ours buys Organic Pop Tarts for her kids.  (Don’t worry, I’ve already called DHR to report this.)

Anna, then asked me, “Hey, do you have access to any 5 gallon buckets?”. Followed by, “Before you laugh at me, just hear me out.”

She then proceeded to spend about 30 minutes trying to convince me that we could make our own detergent.  Here are a few highlights of that conversation..

“For less than $10, we could make up to 10 gallons of detergent.”

“It’s going to be different this time, because it’s liquid.”

“It only costs one cent per load.”

“Your running clothes are going to stink no matter what type of detergent we use.”

“This blogger said she got the recipe from the Duggars.  It also says she hasn’t ever seen the show because she doesn’t have cable.”  (Note – this is my favorite one!  Really, someone who makes their own detergent doesn’t have cable?  I’m shocked!)

Anna and Riley were talking and somehow the word “poo poo” came up.  We discovered today that Riley can not say the word “poo poo” without laughing.  We tried to get her to do it for at least 5 min.  She couldn’t do it.

We then took Cooper outside in his walker to work with him on his walking.  While Anna was working with him, I started throwing the baseball with Walker.  We had one errant throw in which I yelled “Look out!” to the Ethiopian toddler, as if he had cat-like reflexes to get out of the way.  Good one Dad!

All that happened in just one hour and this is a normal day.  And WE LOVE IT!

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Posted by on November 14, 2011 in Uncategorized


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